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FOUNDATIONS OF PSYCHOANALYTIC THOUGHTFoundations of Psychoanalytic Thought is the two-year core curriculum for all of PCOP’s training programs: the Adult and Child Psychotherapy Training Programs and the Adult and Child Psychoanalytic Training Programs. Applicants can indicate their preferred program during the admissions process, or at various points during the two years. FOPT was designed for a wide variety of students who are interested in advancing their understanding of human development and functioning. Students are introduced to the basic tenets of psychoanalytic thought: that we have a dynamic unconscious, that we have thoughts, feelings and fantasies worthy of study, and that experiences from early life stay with us into adulthood. These basic psychoanalytic tenets are covered both in original texts and as understood from contemporary perspectives. The focus is on clinical application of these theories in both psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. Personal treatment and supervision are recommended in the first year and are required in the second year. Why should I enroll in the Foundations of Psychoanalytic Thought (FOPT)?FOPT provides an opportunity for in-depth study that will sustain the passion and curiosity that likely drew you to the profession. It will help you create a deeper and more effective therapeutic relationship with your patients. This type of relationship enables patients to better understand themselves and leads to an increased capacity for agency, intimacy, and joy. Path to the Psychoanalytic Program and Psychotherapy ProgramThe two-year Foundations curriculum serves as the required first two years for all of PCOP’s training programs. Many FOPT students are undecided at the time of enrollment and determine the best program for themselves during their time in FOPT. If you proceed on to the Adult Psychoanalytic Program, you will take additional courses in the second year, and have three years of coursework after FOPT. Applicants to FOPT who intend to continue on with Psychoanalytic Training will have the opportunity to apply directly to the Psychoanalytic Program during the admissions process. The Psychotherapy Program requires an additional year of coursework after the two years of FOPT. The Child Psychotherapy and the Child Psychoanalytic Programs are integrated into the Adult Programs, and have additional, stand-alone coursework. Non-clinical students are welcome to apply to FOPT and move to the Psychoanalytic Program as Academic Candidates. Classes take place from September to June and are offered on Tuesday evenings from 6 pm – 9 pm . Scholarships are available. Click here to learn more. Applications are accepted March 31st through June 15th. Applications received after the June 15th deadline will be considered only if space allows.The application link will be shared here soon!