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Current Funds and Projects
The Patricia Claffie Fund provides scholarships for social work students who wish to expand their understanding of human behavior through psychoanalytic training.
The Harry L. Friedberg Fund encourages the use of film to further public understanding of psychoanalysis. This Fund has provided seed money for the development of From Freud to Einstein: Why War?, a feature documentary film analyzing war from a psychoanalytic perspective.
The Edward L. Hicks IV, MD Scholarship Fund was established in the memory of Edward L. (Ted) Hicks, a highly regarded psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who served devotedly in leadership roles at the Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia for over forty years. This scholarship helps clinicians train in psychoanalytic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis in order that Ted’s commitment to psychoanalytic treatment and psychoanalytic thought continues to flourish.
The Henri Parens Hope Scholarship Fund was established in honor of Henri Parens, MD for his over fifty years of dedicated work and in keeping with the Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia’s commitment to community service. This scholarship’s purpose is to support students of the Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia who are financially challenged and who have expressed an interest and plan to apply psychoanalytic knowledge to the understanding of social problems with the intention to improve the lives of individuals, especially children and the underserved.
The Newell Fischer Scholarship Fund was established to honor the memory of Newell Fischer, MD. A distinguished psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, Newell served in numerous local, national, and international leadership positions, including President of the American Psychoanalytic Association. As a faculty member of the University of Pennsylvania Department of Psychiatry and the Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia, he was a highly valued teacher, supervisor, mentor, and colleague. This scholarship helps clinicians train in psychoanalytic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis in order to further Newell's lifelong commitment to psychoanalytic practice, education, and leadership.
The Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia and its programs are a major focus for the Foundation. The Center has been a valued educational and clinical resource in the greater Philadelphia area, attracting and training the best clinicians in the field of psychoanalysis.
Foundation for the Future
There are numerous ways in which the Philadelphia Psychoanalytic Foundation and the Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia can address the many needs of the greater Philadelphia community. But to achieve these goals, a stable source of financial resources is needed.
The cost of psychoanalytic training and treatment can deter many from using this valuable resource. An Endowment Fund has been established to allow the Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia to provide scholarships to clinicians-in-training. The Foundation Endowment Fund also enables the Foundation to support and encourage innovative programs, bringing the insights of psychoanalysis to address important social and cultural issues and move the field of psychoanalysis forward.
In addition to providing scholarships, the Foundation provides financial support for various educational and outreach initiatives of the Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia.
The Philadelphia Psychoanalytic Foundation is supported by gifts and bequests from individuals. Our goal is to establish an endowment that will provide a stable financial resource for PCOP, and which will enable the Foundation to support and encourage innovative programs that apply the insights of psychoanalysis to addressing important social and cultural problems and advancing the field of psychoanalysis. At the time of a donation, a designation can be made allocating the donation towards General Initiatives, Scholarships, Outreach, or to one of the specific scholarship funds listed above.
Click here to make a tax-deductible contribution to the Philadelphia Psychoanalytic Foundation!
Tax-deductible contributions can also be mailed to:
The Philadelphia Psychoanalytic Foundation
925 Dickinson St
PO Box 18027
Philadelphia, PA 19147
How to Apply for Funding
All grants are limited to specific projects or programs that encourage the advancement of psychoanalysis, applied psychoanalysis, and innovative programs to enhance public awareness and advocacy for psychoanalysis in the community. No grants are awarded only for overhead or general promotion of the recipient organization. Preference in awarding grants will be given to the Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia as the only member of the Foundation, although the Center will not be the exclusive recipient of grants.
Initial consultation regarding an application should be directed to Kathleen Ross, PhD, at [email protected].
Grant Application (click here to access Grant Application Form)
- Programs requesting funds independent of the Center must be or operate under fiscal sponsorship of, a registered 501(c)3 organization.
- The Foundation makes discretionary grants totaling not more than 5% of the average annual unrestricted fund balance over the past 5 years, as calculated at the end of the previous fiscal year.
The Foundation Board meets virtually several times each year between September and June. Applicants are required to attend the meeting at which their request is considered to discuss it with the Board. Applications should be submitted following an initial consultation with the Board chair, which will also include a determination of a timetable for consideration.
- Requests must include a description of the program (including need, goals, methods, time frame, etc.), a detailed budget listing other sources of funds (e.g. fees, other grant sources). Additional material may be requested as needed by the Board to evaluate the specific requests.
Completed Grant applications should be either mailed to:
Kathleen Ross, PhD, Chair & President
The Philadelphia Psychoanalytic Foundation
925 Dickinson St
PO Box 18027
Philadelphia, PA 19147
Or emailed to:
Kathleen Ross, PhD at [email protected].