If you have any questions or concerns about upcoming events, please contact Membership & Events Coordinator Julia Seixas at [email protected].

Upcoming Events! 

Case Presentation: Jon Venitz, LSW

Discussant: Frederic Baurer, MD
Moderator: Bridgett Bollin, LCSW
Date: Saturday, March 29, 2025
Time: 9:30 - 11:30 AM EDT
Location: Virtual via Zoom 

2 CE/CMEs Available 


  • $80 for Non-Members Seeking CE Credit
  • $40 for Non-Members Not Seeking CE Credit
  • Free Admission for Students & PCOP Members

About the Program 

In this latest installment of our case conference series, targeted at early career clinicians and those looking to learn more about psychodynamic approaches to therapy, Jon Venitz, LSW will present from their work with an adult patient in residential treatment, a setting that introduces special challenges to the traditional therapeutic frame (e.g. the therapist having case management responsibilities, triangulation with other staff, etc.)

Discussant Fred Baurer, MD, psychoanalyst and PCOP faculty member, will provide an overview of key concepts for working psychodynamically with patients struggling with addiction. Process material will be discussed with an emphasis on 1) case formulation, 2) use of countertransference and transference as a source of insight into the patient, and 3) clinical interventions, including concrete examples of “what to say, when” from a psychodynamic lens that attendees can apply to their own clinical work. In the question and answer period that follows, attendees will have an opportunity to discuss the case with Mx. Venitz and Dr. Baurer. 

Upon registering, attendees will receive a copy of Dr. Baurer’s paper, Psychodynamic Treatment with the Addicted Person (2021) to familiarize them with this approach.  

Program Flyer -  Click Here! 

RSVP - Click Here! 

DateSunday, April 6th 2025 

Time: 2:00 - 5:00 pm

LocationRockland, 3810 Mt. Pleasant Dr., Philadelphia, PA 19121 (In-person attendance only)

Moderators: Ann Eichen, PhD, Hattie Myers, PhD & Eyal Rozmarin, PhD.

About the Program 

Please join us for a special program in which we will screen the film, “Speaking of Home: An Intimate Exchange on Israel-Palestine” produced by ROOM, A Sketchbook for Analytic Action. Since 2017, ROOM has been publishing essays, poetry, art, letters, memoir, and creative nonfiction using psychoanalysis as a lens for social discourse.

In this film, Dr. Karim Dajani, a Palestinian psychoanalyst, and Dr. Eyal Rozmarin, an Israeli psychoanalyst, share with one another their personal histories, and engage with one another in a candid conversation. Each analyst shares his story of growing up in his homeland, talking openly about his own lived experiences as well as his extended family’s experience, one which involved subjugation and malignant prejudice. By sharing their respective stories with each other, they discover how their group identities and familial ties have impacted their conversation, leading to unconsciously driven distortions of the other. In a poignant exchange, each analyst demonstrates remarkable listening skills and empathy, thereby modeling for the audience the potential power of dialogue in facilitating an improved understanding of how enduring and profound intergenerational conflicts can have on one’s sense of self and on personal relationships. The film offers a model for repair.

The program will unfold as follows: First, the film will be shown to the entire group. After the screening, attendees will be invited by the moderators to share their reflections about their experience of the film. Also, attendees will be encouraged to contribute ideas for using this film as a vehicle for promoting dialogue in the wider community. Specifically, they will have an opportunity to help shape plans for a program that will be held in Philadelphia during the academic year, 2025-26. One of the goals of the April 6th program is to consider ways to use this film to design future programming for groups of people from diverse professional and personal backgrounds, with the aim of creating spaces for constructive dialogue and repair of longstanding conflicts.


Free for PCOP Members, Donations are Welcome 



  • Bambi Chapin, PhD
  • Gillian Gillison, PhD
  • Alexandra M. Harrison, MD
  • Edward Tronick, PhD
Moderator: Lawrence D. Blum, MD
Date: Saturday, April 26, 2025
Time: 8:45 AM - 1:00 PM
Location: Virtual via Zoom


Early Bird (Ends April 1st)

  • $80 for Admission 
  • $25 for Full-Time Students, Residents, & Candidates


Regular (After April 1st)

  • $100 for Admission 
  • $30 for Full-Time Students, Residents, & Candidates 

About the Program 

How infants and toddlers separate and individuate from their families has been formally studied largely from a Euro-American viewpoint. This conference aims to bring data from around the world to bear on the separation-individuation process. Separation-individuation occurs simultaneously, and intertwined with, the development of attachment patterns, but has received much less cross-cultural attention, a deficit this conference will attempt to address. Cultures are highly variable in how they influence early child development, and the presenters for this conference are leading experts in the influence of culture on development.  

Learn About The Program & Meet Our Outstanding Presenters, and Moderator 

 Click Here!

RSVP - Click Here!


Date: Saturday, May 3, 2025
Time: 10:30 am – 12:00 PM EDT
Workshop Leader: Charity Hume, PCOP Fellow, 2023-2025 
Location: Virtual via Zoom

Click Here for the Flyer!

Click Here to RSVP!

(Limited space, RSVP required to secure your spot)
Donations welcomed

Workshop Description:

In this 90 minute creative writing workshop, Charity invites participants to engage with their own creative identities, using writing as a bridge between conscious insight and the hidden layers of the psyche. Her extensive experience as an educator, private writing coach, and workshop facilitator, has shaped her belief that writing can unlock unconscious feelings, safely recall memories, and foster reflection—beneficial for therapists, teachers, patients and students. Drawing from psychoanalytic theory, depth psychology, and years of experience as a writing coach and educator, she will demonstrate how focusing on specific childhood objects can help us access memories, uncover hidden emotions, and discover an empowering creative practice of self reflection. Concepts from Jungian depth psychology, object relations theory, and narrative therapy will inform the discussion. Participants will participate in guided exercises designed to illustrate how writing can be a powerful tool for insight and transformation.

 More Exciting Programming Coming in 2025!

Stay tuned for more updates on upcoming events and programs throughout the year. Check back regularly for the latest information. If you have any questions or concerns about upcoming events, please get in touch with Membership & Events Coordinator Julia Seixas at [email protected].